
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

June 7, 2013

Bank of New York Deemed Indispensable Party to Homeowner’s Foreclosure Challenge in Rhode Island

By Devon Avallone

In Rosano v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., et al., C.A. No. PC 2010-0310 (R.I. Super. June 19, 2012), the court held that defendant MERS had authority to assign plaintiff homeowner’s mortgage and deemed the foreclosure sale by assignee Bank of New York proper, dismissing plaintiff’s complaint to quiet title. The court further held that plaintiff’s failure to name Bank of New York as a defendant to the action rendered the complaint defective.

Plaintiff’s complaint failed to state a cause for relief beyond a speculative level, as plaintiff’s allegations were merely conclusory assertions. The court noted that plaintiff overlooked precedent confirming the validity of MERS’s assignments where mortgagee’s statutory power is clearly stated in the mortgage instrument. MERS, as mortgagee and nominee of the original lender, takes the place of the original lender and may assign its statutory power to another entity, who will then take the place of MERS with the same statutory right to foreclose. Plaintiff later alleged that the assignments were unauthorized, but the court held that no power of attorney was required since MERS was designated as mortgagee and nominee. Furthermore, plaintiff lacked standing to challenge the validity of the assignments, as plaintiff homeowner is not a party to any assignment. The court held that even if plaintiff had standing to challenge whether the assignments were authorized, plaintiff failed to plead such allegations in his complaint and cannot assert them in argument now.

However, the major flaw in plaintiff’s complaint was his failure to include Bank of New York as a party defendant; the court found Bank of New York to be an indispensable party to the action as the current record owner of the property. MERS assigned the mortgage to Sutton, who then assigned it to Bank of New York, who commenced foreclosure proceedings and sale upon plaintiff’s default. Bank of New York was the highest bidder at the foreclosure sale, and thereafter timely recorded its ownership interest in the property. Although there is no formal criteria for determining whether a party is indispensable to an action, the court used the Supreme Court’s formula from Doreck v. Roderiques, 120 R.I. 175, 180, 385 A.2d 1062, 1065 (1978), holding that proceeding without Bank of New York as a party would severely prejudice and impact Bank of New York as current owner of the property, rendering plaintiff’s complaint fatally defective.

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