
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

May 2, 2022

Foreclosure Echo

By David Reiss

  David Reiss CC BY-NC-SA Linda Fisher recently posted a pdf of The Foreclosure Echo: How the Hardest Hit Have Been Left out of the Economic Recovery, a book she co-authored with Judith Fox. It came out before the pandemic, … Continue reading

December 7, 2017

Preparing for the Next Housing Tsunami

By David Reiss

Greg Kaplan et al. posted The Housing Boom and Bust: Model Meets Evidence to SSRN. The abstract reads, We build a model of the U.S. economy with multiple aggregate shocks (income, housing finance conditions, and beliefs about future housing demand) … Continue reading

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December 7, 2017 in Foreclosures | Permalink | No Comments

October 26, 2017

Mortgage Servicing Since The Financial Crisis

By David Reiss

Standard & Poors issued a report, A Decade After The Financial Crisis, What’s The New Normal For Residential Mortgage Servicing? It provides a good overview of how this hidden infrastructure of the mortgage market is functioning after it emerged from … Continue reading

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October 26, 2017 in Foreclosures | Permalink | No Comments

March 10, 2017

Minority Homeownership During the Great Recession

By David Reiss

Carlos Garriga et al. have posted The Homeownership Experience of Minorities During the Great Recession to SSRN. The paper concludes, The Great Recession wiped out much of the homeownership gains attained during the housing boom. However, the homeownership experience was very different … Continue reading

July 1, 2016

The Sloppy State of the Mortgage Market

By David Reiss

I published a short article in the California Real Property Law Reporter, Sloppy, Sloppy, Sloppy: The State of the Mortgage Market, as part of a broader discussion of Foreclosures Following Problematic Securitizations.  The other contributors were Roger Bernhardt, who organized the discussion,  as well as … Continue reading

December 21, 2015

Monday’s Adjudication Roundup

By Shea Cunningham

Class action suit filed against JPMorgan for alleged illegal demand of payment from junior mortgage holders who’s senior mortgages had been foreclosed. The class claims that JPMorgan’s demands violated several California laws. PHH Corp. urges the DC Circuit to vacate … Continue reading

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December 21, 2015 in Foreclosures | Permalink | No Comments

October 9, 2015

Loose Credit. Plummeting Prices.

By David Reiss

Christopher Palmer has posted Why Did So Many Subprime Borrowers Default During the Crisis: Loose Credit or Plummeting Prices? to SSRN. While this is a technical paper, it is clear from the title that it addresses an important question. If it … Continue reading