
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

March 15, 2018

FinTech Disrupting The Mortgage Industry

By David Reiss

Researchers at the NY Fed have posted The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending. There is no doubt that tech can disrupt the mortgage lending business much as it has done with others. The abstract reads, Technology-based (“FinTech”) lenders increased … Continue reading

March 14, 2018

The Importance of Mortgage Data

By David Reiss

Senate Bill 2155 is looking like it will be enacted and reduce the amount of data collected pursuant to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. The Federal Reserve Bulletin includes a report that demonstrates just how useful that data is, Residential Mortgage Lending … Continue reading

November 9, 2017

Your Lender, The Federal Reserve Board

By David Reiss

Laurie Goodman and Bing Bai at the Urban Institute have posted Normalizing the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet The Impact on the Mortgage-Backed Securities Market. It is quite extraordinary to realize that the Federal Reserve owns nearly a third of outstanding residential … Continue reading

February 2, 2017

Mortgage Rates & Refis

By David Reiss quoted me in Mortgage Rates Expected to Rise and Push Down Refinancing Levels. It reads, in part, Mortgage rates will continue their upward climb in 2017 as the economy demonstrates additional growth and inflation, but this will of course dampen … Continue reading

May 11, 2016

Consumer Protection’s Holy Grail

By David Reiss

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has issued a notice and request for comment regarding the Uniform Interagency Consumer Compliance Rating System (the CC Rating System). The FFIEC’s six members represent the Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National Credit … Continue reading

April 1, 2015

Mortgaging the Future

By David Reiss

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s most recent Economic Letter is titled Mortgaging the Future? In it, Òscar Jordà, Moritz Schularick, and Alan M. Taylor evaluate the “Great Mortgaging” of the American economy: In the six decades following World War … Continue reading

January 9, 2015

S&P’s Upbeat Outlook on Mortgage Market

By David Reiss

S&P posted U.S. RMBS Roundtable: Mortgage Origination And Securitization In The Post-Qualified Mortgage/Ability-To-Repay Market. The roundtable discussion offers views on many aspects of the 2015 mortgage market, but I found this passage to be particularly interesting: Originators agreed loans that … Continue reading