
Editor: David Reiss
Cornell Law School

July 12, 2023


By David Reiss

Insider quoted me in Private Equity Sold Them a Dream of Home Ownership. They Got Evicted Instead. It reads, in part, Erica Hines-Denson had no idea how bad the odds against her were. Student loans and a recent divorce had … Continue reading

April 27, 2022

Sharing Your Home with Strangers

By David Reiss

Debra Bechtel, Crystal Liu, Ernira Mehmetaj, and I have just posted Sharing Your Home with Strangers: Common-Interest Ownership and Financing Options to SSRN (as well as to bepress). The abstract reads, As the affordable housing crisis in the U.S. escalates, … Continue reading

July 13, 2016

Caveat Rent-to-Own

By David Reiss

WiseBread quoted me in 5 Things You Need to Know When Renting-to-Own a Home. It opens, Your credit scores are too low. Or maybe you’ve run up too much credit card debt. Whatever the reason, you can’t qualify for the mortgage … Continue reading

March 10, 2016

Risky Rent-to-Own

By David Reiss

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review quoted me in Rent-to-Own Option for Home Shoppers Rife with Pitfalls, Experts Caution. It opens, Finding the right rental house was more difficult than Phyllis Lombardi anticipated. “It’s hard to find a big enough house that allows pets, … Continue reading