- Enterprise Community Partners reports that recent Amendments to the Bipartisan Budget Act underfund critical affordable housing and community development programs.
- National Association of Realtor’s Existing Home Sales reflects price gains in Metro Areas for the third quarter of 2015, NAR also says there are at least 6 Reasons why there will not be another Housing Crisis.
- NYU’s Furman Center releases a Data-Update indicating growth in the income-housing gap for New Yorkers – the data indicates that while median rental prices have increased 14.7% over the last decade income has only increased 2.3%.
- The Pew Research Center reports that despite gains in energy efficiency, American’s are using more energy because their homes are bigger – thus any effort to fight global climate change will require major changes and 2/3rds of Americans apparently agree.
- The Terwilliger Foundation for Housing America’s Families argues that the rental crisis needs to be addressed in order for the economy to grow, therefore the Low Income Housing Credit should be a top priority.